Monday, October 24, 2011

First Day Experience at Field Site

My first day at field site went like this. As soon as I walked into my classroom I was greeted by my field site teacher, Ms.Saldana. She welcomed me in and told me to take a seat and in that moment I had all of the students attention. So Ms.Saldana introduced me and told them the reason I was in that class and what I'm going to be doing in the time I'm there. Then she let me take over for a little bit and I went ahead and told them about me and answered questions they had.
I like how room is real organized, nothing laying out in the open. Next to the students tables she has baskets where they turn in their work so they won't have to be getting up and distracting others if they need to turn in work.While I was in the classroom Ms.Saldana was reading them a book and 10 minutes they went to music class. After they came back I worked with two students on Rhymes; then it was time to go.
My exciting part was when I saw most of my students from last year in the library and they remembered who I was.

1 comment:

  1. Good observations and documentation of your day. I'm sure it is good to be back with Mrs. Saldana. You are a good team.
