Friday, March 23, 2012

Beyond the Blackboard

            Stacey Bess’s biggest problems were that she didn’t have any help as in having any principals and any staff, so she had to be the principal and teacher. She also didn’t have any materials so she could teach with like books. So she had to use her own money to fix up the room and buy a few materials.
The two biggest obstacles that I think I would have is probably the discipline, because there are some students that might want to act up and not care about getting in trouble that would be if they were in high school. And if I had elementary maybe the principal might not like the way I teach things or other teachers. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Advantages of Technology in the Classroom

·      Accessing Information
·      Editing of Written Works
·      Providing Supplementary Information
·      Communicating
·      Motivating Students

Communicating has helped me get through high school because if I wouldn’t talk to my teachers I would not know how to do better in school. I talk to my teacher either through email and that’s a great way to communicate whenever you know you teachers wont be there.

Other advantages of using technology in school and in class is that you have more resource besides your teacher because sometimes your teacher is helping out other students and you need to get your work done. Being able to have computers is a great resource. 

The Advantages of Technology in the Classroom